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Relatório da Conferência da CABRI de 2017 Quando as pressões crónicas se transformam em crises

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This publication from the 2017 CABRI Conference focuses on chronic pressures that turn into crises. It reflects on how South Africa, Burkina Faso and Côte d’Ivoire responded when long-term, bottom-up expenditure demands (the financing of tertiary education in South Africa and the public wage bill in Burkina Faso and Côte d’Ivoire) reached a crisis point, threatening to destabilise the budget. The discussion outlines options available to finance ministries when they are caught between bottom-up stakeholder pressure and top-down political pressure to undertake significant additional expenditures that may not have been budgeted for and may not be the best expenditure choices.

Year: 2018 Theme: Conferência da CABRI, COVID-19, 2017 CABRI Conference Language: Português

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