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IBFCAA programme moving into 2021

17 December 2020
Climate Change
(Photo by CABRI)

Photo courtesy: News24

The Inclusive Budgeting and Financing for Climate Change in Africa (IBFCCA) programme launched in October 2020 is a partnership between CABRI and the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), the International Budget Partnership (IBP) and the United Nations Development Programme. It is a 5-year program with the first-year inception phase funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).

The primary objective of the programme is to strengthen the link between climate change policy and the budget process, and recognise the central role played by ministries of Finance in mobilising the wider national and local budgetary process involving government, legislatures, development partners and civil society. The wider objective of the programme is to promote climate resilience in Africa and to support African governments to benefit from the opportunities of a just transition to a net zero carbon future.

The IBFCCA programme has 3 components:

  • Component A led by CABRI, facilitates peer learning and exchange (south-south learning) and knowledge management
  • Component B led by the UNDP provides technical assistance to countries on climate change integration
  • Component C led by IBP and IIED strengthens oversight, transparency and accountability actors and practices.

CABRI is responsible for the overall management and coordination of the programme.

The first peer learning and exchange event will take place in February 2021. It will provide a review on the approaches used to integrate climate change into budgeting and finance in Africa. It will in addition, include an overview on the implications of COVID-19 for climate related funding and reforms. This will be the first in a series of policy dialogues on climate change and public finance.

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