This report was produced using data collected for the COVID-19 Public Finance Response Monitor, where CABRI has been tracking how African governments have responded to the public finance implications of the COVID-19 pandemic, including how countries have sought to increase their fiscal space through debt suspension and borrowing (CABRI, 2020). This report provides a descriptive analysis of how the COVID-19 pandemic promoted global discussions around debt relief, the long-term implications of debt relief for marketability of public debt and the implications for public management; in addition, the report considers what additional support is needed to provide adequate debt relief or debt forgiveness for LICs and IDA countries. Section 2 reviews how the COVID-19 pandemic provided a platform for discussions on debt relief, Section 3 provides a descriptive analysis of the G20 DSSI and the implications for debt managers, and Section 4 provides an overview of the role of multilateral creditors in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Year: 2021 Theme: COVID-19, Health PFM, Water Sanitation and Hygiene Language: English