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Hub Banner Ple Gender And Climate Change En
Event details
Date: 29 - 30 June 2021
Time: 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Venue: Online

Peer-learning and exchange event on gender and climate change financing

Featured Image Gender

Gender responsive budgeting (GRB) is well established with over two decades of experience with related reforms. Climate responsive budgeting (CRB) is relatively new and the two have largely been pursued independently. However, similarities and complementarity between them have led to calls for the ‘double mainstreaming’ of both gender and climate change. Gender considerations have increasingly become a requirement when accessing international climate finance. The two-day virtual event provided a platform for officials from across Africa to share their experience on the actions and methods used to implement gender responsive budgeting and/or gender responsive climate budgeting. Related actions span the entire budget cycle. Opportunities were explored to further coordinate the integration of gender and climate change into public financial management systems.


Day 1 (This recording has not been edited.)

Day 2 (This recording has not been edited.)





Welcome - Day 1
Session 1 - Burkina Faso
Session 1 - Liberia
Session 1 - Overview
Session 2 - Eswatini
Session 2 - Morocco
Session 2 - Nigeria
Session 2 - Rwanda
Session 4 - South Africa
Session 4 - Climate Scrutiny
Session 4 - Mozambique
Adenike Oladosu
Closing Remarks
Session 4 - GRB Implementation - South Africa


Women holding environmental-sector ministerial positions
Loss of income as a result of weather-related disasters
Women representation in parliaments
Extreme drought conditions and child marriage
Climate change and impact on GDP in Africa
Natural disasters and domestic violence

Working paper

Session: Working groups


Neil Cole

Executive Secretary, CABRI (South Africa)

Philipp Krause

Head of Technical, CABRI (South Africa)

Tara Daniel

Programme Manager, Women's Environment and Development Organization (WEDO), (United States of America)

Josephine F Doles

Gender Coordinator, Environmental Protection Agency (Liberia)

Margaux Granat

Founder and Director, EnGen Collaborative (United States of America)

Tracy C. Kajumba

Principal Researcher and Team leader – Strengthening Local to Global Partnerships Climate Change Group, IIED (United Kingdom)

Halima Bawa

Director, Federal Ministry of Environment (Nigeria)

Christine Mukankundiye

Gender Responsive Budgeting Specialist, Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning (Rwanda)

Dr Mary Nyasimi

Executive Director, Inclusive Climate Change Adaptation for a Sustainable Africa (Kenya)

Prudence Cele

Director: Budget Reform, Budget Office Division of the National Treasury (South Africa)

Kit Nicholson

Director, Climate Scrutiny (United Kingdom)

Florence Tanoh

Director of Gender and Equity, Ministry of Women, Family and Children (Côte d'Ivoire)

Ndivile Mokoena

Project Officer (UNFCCC Women and Gender Constituency global south co-focal point), Genderccsa (South Africa)

Dr Zeinab B. Elbakri

Senior Advisor (previously Vice-President Sector Operations at the African Development Bank), Savannas Enseades (Canada)

Anna Tjarvar

Programme Manager Environment, Climate Change, Renewable Energy, Embassy of Sweden (Ethiopia)

Ouedraogo Daouda

Directorate of Budget Reforms, Ministry of Economy, Finance and Development (Burkina Faso)

Carina Sugden

Chief Governance Officer, African Development Bank (Côte d’Ivoire)

Mpendulo Majahonkhe Masuku

Monitoring and Evaluation Analyst (Gender), Department of Gender and Family Issues, Deputy Prime Minister's Office (Eswatini)

Hajar Ben Ameur

Head of the Budget Performance Monitoring and Gender Sensitive Budgeting Service, Ministry of Economy, Finance and Administrative Reform (Morocco)

Josphine Candiru

Gender Specialist, UNDP (Nigeria)

Gcobisa Magazi

Director Environment, Science and Tourism. Chairperson of the National Treasury Climate Change Working Group, National Treasury (South Africa)

Daisy Mukarakate

Regional Climate Policy Advisor, UNDP (Ethiopia)

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